Came up with a way to make features in horror and contemporary as randomly as possible, except when new novels come along, they may or may not be featured that month.
It will no longer be based on whether or not a person/novel deserves it, but simply random. The rotation of novels would be set. Featured log-in post and featured character picked through a formula.
Of course people will still complain about it, especially since making the rotation for 2011 involved removing every novel featured in 2010 from the list in horror, but it's only fair, with 24 novels and at least half showing some activity, that novels might go a year or more without being featured. (In the past before I started doing it, some novels had gone more than a year, sometimes two without getting picked for featured novels, while others were picked every six months. I was trying to be fair, but now I see why those others novels got picked so regularly.)
That's why I'm mentioning this here so I have some kind of proof to show that we decided on this now, made up a rotation to feature novels not featured in the past year. So those people who bullied and complained to get their novels featured again are just going to have to accept the consequences.
The same goes for Contemporary.
So feature novels will not be chosen based on activity, quality, or merit, it'll just be featured when it comes up on a list. It may get bumped back for a new novel or a novel which hasn't posted in a long time and shows activity.
People will complain but at least we can't be blamed for bias.
The feature novels are now selected and put in order through 2011.
Featured log-in is chosen through a formula.
Featured character will not be taken from the featured novel, or the novel the featured log-in post is from.
We're also not supposed to pick characters from a certain writer or anyone in any of her novels for awhile. I should also extend it to novels that she is a writer in. But people are confusing characters that aren't hers for hers. (Just because someone has a happy icon doesn't mean it's this other person with a happy icon.) More on that later.
Thursday's Photo
And then one morning you woke up and noticed a strange thing happened when
you hit the esc. key on your keyboard...
8 years ago